FOSCI Attends “Survivors Speak” Florida Convention
FOSCI leaders and local crime survivors attended an annual Surviors Speak Florida convention on April 1-2, 2019 in Tallahassee, Florida. They were there to heal together, share their stories, and advocate for change.
FOSCI hopes Tallahassee legislative leadership will realize that families impacted by violence are more than names in the obituaries. Jacksonville, FL has seen crime rise and fall over the years, but the homicide rate has continued to climb since 2010 as Jacksonville known as the 904 leads the country in homicides per 100K. Families most effected are those living in the poorest communities. FOSCI leadership will continue to attend conventions and workshops to gain insight on how to improve FOSCI outreach services to the community; and dedicated to helping change the current statistics.
FOSCI leadership is working with the city officials and the community to make changes. FOSCI services are open to any family in Northeast Florida. Our family member lives and safe communities mean something to us and we accept the challenge to make a difference!